8 Powerful Photos That Show The Harsh Reality Of How Sexual Assault Happens - Anywhere, Anytime

    A student from Ithaca College in New York shot photographs to capture what non-consensual sex looks like in light of Brock Turner's release from prison last week after serving only three months for raping a girl outside Standford's fraternity house.


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner





Yana Mazurkevich, 20, created the photo series "It Happens" to create awareness around sexual assault. On Tumblr, the series received over 11,000 notes and was shared over 60,000 times on Facebook.


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner

The series highlights the realities of sexual assault that happen to people around the world daily and dismisses the notion that sexual assault/rape only happens in a dark alley and only to women.


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner


Student Creates Powerful Photo Series To Protest Brock Turner