Mumbai Fire Department To Soon Use Remote-Controlled Robots To Douse Blazes

From December, Remote-Controlled Robots May Help Douse Blazes In Mumbai

 If all goes according to plan, firefighting robots will be used to douse blazes in the city by the year end.

The Mumbai fire brigade plans to buy three remote-controlled robot fire extinguishers, each costing Rs 2 crore, and place one each at three fire stations in the island city and eastern and western suburbs. Depending on advanced specifications, the cost could escalate.

From December, remote-controlled robots may help douse blazes in Mumbai

Firefighting robots can spray water and foam mist up to 80m and are especially useful in complex fire situations.

On Friday, Joseph Leslie & Co LLP and its partner Magirus Germany held a demonstration of an unmanned, remote control-operated robot fire extinguisher for 50 fire officials at the Mumbai Fire Brigade headquarters at Byculla.
"Such equipment can help fight fires at dumping grounds where firemen find it difficult to reach the spot as there are no roads," said Clint Leslie Pereira, director of Joseph Leslie & Co LLP.
From December, remote-controlled robots may help douse blazes in Mumbai

The fire brigade is looking at other players too. "More companies are expected to give us demonstrations and we will select the best of the lot. These advanced techniques and professional interventions will play a key role in providing quicker response in emergencies," said chief fire officer P Rahangdale, who operated the robot fire extinguisher. A provision for the purchase of robot fire extinguishers was made in the BMC budget 2016-17.