Sexologist answers for FB inbox queries

Sexologist answers for FB inbox queries

      Sexologists give proper answers for sex related problems and were make romantic couples life more understandable. Earlier sex and romance is limited to home only. At that time sexologists came into TV Programming's and solve the queries. Some intimate problems are solved by sexologists. Nowadays  one joke on sexologist is most popular in social media.These all about how the messages in inbox and the answers given by sexologist. It is very funny and wrote for fun only. (It will be posting just for fun). 

Sexologist in Facebook page

* Question: Sir, if men uses face book they will get fatigue and women will get ill health? Is it correct?
Answer: It is absolutely wrong. Reason for fatigue is only lack of sleep. There is no relation between Facebook and ill health and fatigue.

*Q: Sir, Yesterday I logged in for Facebook three times? Three times i got an error message that password is wrong. Now I got a doubt that Am unable to use Facebook?
A: It is not a disease. Check your key board that may be caps-lock on. Off that caps lock and login into Facebook.

*Q: Sir, my friend told that before fb chatting,take some liquor. You re active and chatting will also be pleasurable? Is it true?
A: No. It is not correct. If you take liquor before chatting, you will be out of control and the friends become enemies.

* Q: Sir,How much time can I spend in facebook and it is healtheir?
A: That is depends on individual. Without avoiding your work you can spend on fcebook. Avoiding work and spending in facebook is waste of the time