Ravana 10000 Years Old Mummy Found In Lanka?

     In the same searches I also found that Ravana’s treasures were found in a cave.
Some inscriptions were found on the walls where the Mummy was found.
It was reported that the body was buried in a Stone casket.
The Mummy is reported to be of eighteen feet and is dated around 10, 000 BC.
But the fact is that a reluctant Vibhishana cremated Ravana’s Body.
And as Vibishana ruled after Ravana there is no chance of Ravana’s treaures having been hidden in a cave.
      Ravana, being Vedic scholar and a Brahmin, there is no chance of his body having been buried.
It was cremated  as per  the Vedic Rites.
Valimiki in his Ramayana describes the cremation of Ravana by Vibhishana thus.

     Having heard the words of Rama, Vibhishana in haste began to do obsequies to Ravana, his dead brother. Entering the City of Lanka, that Vibhishana, the lord of demons, quickly concluded the Agnihotra (the act of pouring oblations into the sacred fire) carried on by Ravana.Vibhishana actually caused to be brought together, carts, excellent varieties of firewood, the three sacred fires and the priests required to officiate at the obsequies, logs of sandalwood, various types of firewood, pieces of fragrant aloe-wood, odorous perfumes, as well as gems, pearls and corals.

       Surrounded with demons, he came back for a while and thereupon, Vibhishana along with malyavan (the father of his own mother) initiated the obsequies.Placing Ravana, the lord of demons, who was covered with linen, accompanied by blasts of various musical instruments as well as panegyrists singing his the Brahmanas (forming part of the demon’s race, which was apparently divided into four classes, like human beings) stood around him with their faces filled in tears. Lifting up that palanquin, which had been decorated with colorful flags and flowers and taking up blocks of wood, all the demons for their part, with Vibhishana in front, proceeded with their face turned towards the south.
Those sacrificial fires were ignited and re-animated, as they were, by Adhvaryu priests, the performers of the sacrificial act, at that time. Those sacrificial fires were contained in earthen pots and went in front of Ravana’s body. All those women of the gynaecium, while weeping, followed at his heels with quick paces, stumbling, as they were, on all sides.

        Keeping the body of Ravana on a consecrated spot, Vibhishana and others, who were very much afflicted with grief, piled up a sacred pyre, with logs of sandalwood, moistened with perfumes called Padmaka and Koshira and covered with the skin of black antelopes, turned about to perform the obsequies in accordance with Vedic rites in honour of the king.

      They performed the ancestral oblations to Ravana in a superb way. They constructed an altar in the south-east the funeral pile) and placed the sacred fire in its proper place. They poured a ladle-full of ghee mixed with curds on his shoulders, placed a cart at his feet and then a wooden mortar at his thighs.

      Having set at their proper place, all the wooden vessels (used in Agnihotra), the lower piece of wood used for kindling fire at a sacrifice and the upper piece of wood (which is rotated at great speed on to lower one, to produce fire by friction), the wooden pestle and other things used in the sacrifice, they circled around the funeral pyre.
      According to ordinance laid down by eminent sages and according to the rules viewed in Vedas, having sacrificed a goat fit for sacrifice at that spot, the demons dampened with ghee on Ravana the King of demons. Having decorated the body of Ravana with perfumes, garlands and various kinds of clothes; those demons accompanied by Vibhishana, distressed as they were in their minds, poured parched grains of rice, with their faces bathed in tears.

     That Vibhishana set fire to Ravana, according to the rules in the scriptures. Washing himself and offering in his wet clothes, according to scriptural ordinance, sesame seeds mixed with water, as well as blades of Kusha grass and offering obeisance to Ravana by bowing his head, Vibhishana entreated those women to return, consoling them again and again. Then, all of the returned to the City.’
     August 3, 2008 – A tight slap on so called “scholars” who profess scientific approach,the recent discovery by Srilanka govt has certainly caused ripples amongst such people.

     The Archaeological department has found convincing evidence suggesting existence of Ravana, in the mountain range of Noroliya.The experts say that Ravana ruled SriLanka about 10000 years ago, and he possessed ‘Pushpak Viman’ (Aeroplanes) and had constructed about 5 Airports on the highest point of Noroliya mountain ranges.

      Also a mummy of Ravana has been found in a cave located in one of the hills.Some balm seem to be applied to the body for preserving it, along with some metallic ornaments.
Ravan had his own Aeroplanes,which resembled ‘Eagles’ and also constructed a workshop for repairing the same.Aerodromes which were built by him were destroyed in attack by Lord Ram with a fire weapon(when he had gone to Lanka for retrieving Sita mai).The stones which were damaged during this fiery attack are still found there.And dating has revealed them to be about 10,000 yrs old.’