10 really interesting but shocking facts about Facebook

10 really interesting but shocking facts about...
New Delhi: Facebook, over the past few years, has changed the conception of people about how we connect to each other. Its growing popularity means that we no longer are confined to face-to-face interaction, but see ours and others in the number of people in ‘friends list.' A simple click on the ‘unfriend' option makes it easy to cut ties with someone who you have been very close to. The more people in your friends list, the more popular you are perceived to be.

Even in the friends list, we can segregate people into different categories, based on our closeness and level of formality with them. We have ‘family', ‘best friends', ‘not-so-close friends', ‘relatives' and‘work colleagues' lists. If due to geographical barriers, you cannot physically ‘poke a friend', you can still do so in the world of Facebook and this subtle cue is somehow less offending in the virtual world. Facebook has altogether put a new meaning on the world of ‘vurtual friendship' where it doesn't matter whether you have met the other person or not..

Here's a look at some quick facts interesting and shocking facts about the popular social network. 

#10 The reason Facebook is blue: Zuckerberg is colorblind

According to The New Yorker, Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind, which means the color he can see best is blue. That also happens to be the color that dominates the Facebook website and mobile app.

"Blue is the richest color for me," he told the magazine. "I can see all of blue," he said in an interview

#9 Hacking Facebook got this man hired

In 2006, a guy named Chris Putnam hacked into Facebook and made thousands of profiles look like MySpace profiles. Facebook hired him.

#8 That guy on TheFacebook.com

Remember that weird guy on TheFacebook.com? It is none other than Al Pacino. Whoa!

#7 Facebook doesn't allow breastfeeding photos

Facebook was criticised by mothers when it yanked photos of breastfeeding babies that women had posted on their personal profiles because it deemed them a little too revealing. 

In response to the terse notices alerting mothers that they were violating Facebook's decency policy, "lactivists" responded with a virtual nurse-in; 11,000 women posted photos of themselves breastfeeding and/or updated their profiles to read: "Hey, Facebook. Breastfeeding Is Not Obscene!" The pro-breastfeeding group has attracted over 250,000 members.

#6 Iceland used Facebook to rewrite its constitution!

In 2011, Iceland took the help of Facebook in rewriting its constitution. Two thirds of Iceland's population is on Facebook, so the constitutional council used Facebook to rewrite its constitution where citizens could use the social network to make their own suggestions, engage in online debates, or follow the proceedings in real-time.

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